Friday, June 28, 2013


A cold and empty bed,

In a quiet, dark house,

Steeps the heart in dread.

But when love’s arms enfold,

The lonely chill evicts,

And warmth glows in the soul.

A heart that fought defeat,

And grief without relief,

Pumps hope with every beat.

Like morning sun on dew,

Filled eyes with tears of joy,

Plain things sparkle anew.

While love’s arms do enfold,

The past is still the past,

But Now defeats pains old.
---Joe B. Hewitt (2001)

Midnight Snap

In the deep dark of the night,

A small creature with big appetite,

Silently crept in a pantry to raid,

Not knowing a trap had been laid.

The poor little mouse squeaked out his pleas,

“Open the trap. You can keep the cheese.”

                        ---Joe B. Hewitt