Friday, September 17, 2010

Pretending Ancestors were Pure is Pure Fiction

By Joe Hewitt

Vocal Jewish groups don't like it said that “Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus.”
Would the Japanese now like to say they were not responsible for bombing Pearl Harbor and wholesale slaughter of men, women and children in China? Some Germans might like the world to believe the Germans were not responsible for the Holocaust when Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and Jehovah's Witnesses were rounded up and exterminated. Some white Americans try to make excuses for the 200 years our ancestors enslaved blacks. Of course the Japanese living today can't be blamed for something done by the fanatical leadership that had control of their country during a past generation. Nor can the Germans living today be blamed for actions of long dead Nazis who had control of Germany. White Americans living today should not be blamed for something done by a minority of their ancestors. The same is true about Jews living today; they can't be blamed for something done by fanatical Jewish leaders more than 2,000 years ago.
But let's not pretend it didn’t happen.

Volumes of volumes should count for something. The facts haven't been kept secret. The most published book in history, the Bible, says Jewish leaders insisted that Jesus be crucified. The highest court of Israel, the Sanhedrin, voted for Jesus to die, following the recommendation of the highest official in Judaism, the high priest. Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor, wanted to release Jesus and wash his hands of the whole affair, but a Jewish mob shouted "Crucify him! Crucify him!"
The Jewish leadership insisted on the Romans doing the dirty work, and the Romans did it at the Sanhedrin, the high priest, and the mob's fanatical insistence. Later on the Jewish leaders got over their shyness about murder and stoned Stephen, a disciple of Jesus Christ, to death because he was preaching about Jesus.

Rabbi Eugene Korn of the Anti-Defamation League, was quoted as saying Mel Gibson's movie on the Passion of Christ relies on "sinister medieval stereotypes, portraying Jews as bloodthirsty, sadistic and money-hungry enemies of God who lack compassion and humanity."

There are sadistic, money-hungry enemies of God who lack compassion and humanity in every ethnic group and culture. Are we to believe that of all the races of people on earth the Jews alone are immune from such flaws?

We can't forever condemn an entire nation for some of their ancestors' past actions, neither the Japanese, Germans, White Americans, Jews, or Romans. However, if something is true, it's true and no amount of whining will change the facts.

To say the Jews were not responsible for Jesus' death is a gross revision of history, and requires the same kind of reasoning employed by shallow thinkers who deny the Holocaust. We have to admit it: Jews crucified Christ; Germans enacted the Holocaust; the Japanese murdered children in China; white people enslaved Negroes.

Some anti-Semites pretend that Jesus was not a Jew. The crucifixion of Jesus is about God’s sacrifice that enables Jew and Gentile to be reconciled to Him. During the persecution of Jesus’ disciples, some of the bad guys were Jews. Most of the Christian victims were Jews.

I and millions of others on this planet believe Mel Gibson's film is true to Scripture. We also believe the Bible that says Israel is God's chosen people. The greatest Gentile defenders of Israel are Evangelical Christians.

The death, burial and resurrection of Christ are not about denigrating a race of people. Rather, it's about goodness and mercy; it's about an innocent one dying willingly for the guilty. In true Christianity there is no difference in races, sexes, or economic class.
(Matthew 26:3-4, 59, 65, 66; 27:1-2, 21-25; Acts 6:11-13; 7:57-58)

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