Thursday, July 21, 2011

Watchtower Disciplines Jehovah's Witnesses

Cult Members are Under Total Mind Control

Almost every family in North America has a member who is under total mind control of the Watchtower Society. Some examples of the extreme discipline these people are under:

The Watchtower intrudes into the married bed. They have rules about sexual foreplay and state that a husband and wife’s passion “should not go unbridled.”

Watchtower rules shelter sex abusers of children in the Kingdom Halls.

Jehovah’s Witnesses are prohibited from

Playing chess

Possessing wind chimes

Attending any event sponsored by a church, including a picnic.

Giving to the Red Cross or Salvation Army.

These are just some of the topics covered in my book, Rescuing Slaves of the Watchtower, Hannibal Books, 2011, . ISBN 978-1-61315-006-1. Available in Christian bookstores,,;, in print or e-book from Barnes and Noble, Sony or Amazon.

My first book, I Was Raised a Jehovah’s Witness, (Accent Books, Denver, Colo. 1979; Kregel Publishing, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1997). Sold 45,000 copies in English and more in Chinese translation published in Taiwan.

I served as pastor of churches in the Dallas area for 39 years. I retired in 2001 and devote most of my time to writing and serving as a court-appointed mediator handling cases for Dallas and contiguous counties.

The whole load of hay information on

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